1956 Syro Malabar Lliturgy Menezian or Rozian – Placid Podipara

Through this post, we are releasing the scan of the book“The Present Syro-Malabar Liturgy” from the Orientala Christiana Periodica, a scholarly magazine published in Rome in 1957.

1956 Syro Malabar Lliturgy Menezian or Rozian
1956 Syro Malabar Lliturgy Menezian or Rozian

Prof. Placido translated the article “The Present Syro-Malabar Liturgy” from the Orientala Christiana Periodica, a scholarly magazine published in Rome in 1957. This translation helped make the insights and reflections on the Syro-Malabar liturgical practices accessible to a broader audience, contributing to a deeper understanding of the church’s rituals and traditions within a global context.

There are two type of liturgy he mentioned in this book, called “Menezian or Rozian”.  By the Menezian liturgy is here meant the liturgy which archbishop Menezes of Goa modified at the “Synod” of diamper in 1559 . The Rozian modified by the bishop Roz S.J the first Latin prelate of the Syro Malabar Church.

This document is digitized as part of the Dharmaram College Library digitization project.

Metadata and link to the digitized document

Metadata and link to the digitized document are provided below. A facility to read the document online is provided in the item page. Click on the first image that you see on the item page to download the document.

  • Name: 1956 Syro Malabar Lliturgy Menezian or Rozian 
  • Author: P.Placido,TODC
  • Published Year: 1957
  • Number of pages: 24
  • Printing : Roma
  • Scan link: Link



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