1962 – Five Portraits of Power – S.E Ayling

Through this post, we are releasing the scan of the book  written by S.E Ayling by name Five Portraits of Power.



Five portraits of  power published in England compares five different power players. kemal Ataturk , who was born in an ordinary family later became the founder and president of Republic of Turkey. He fought for women empowerment and also against some of the old muslim customes  practiced at that period. he was a man of vision and action.this book comprises the detailed accounts of kemal’s work during the period 1881-1938.

Lenin, who was born in 1870, while Russia was barely standing on its feet was quick to lift the country’s chin up and position it at the world forum, after having worked tirelessly as a barrister’s assistant.This book unwails the journey Lenin took at shaping Russia.

As described above few more legends described  in this book. They worked for their respective nations upliftment and peace. Gandhiji became the Father of Nation fighting for freedom of India.

winston Churchill is best remembered for successfully leading Britain through world war two.He was famous for his inspiring speeches and for his refusal to give in, even when things were going badly.Many people consider him the greatest of all time and he’s almost certainly the most famous British prime minister.

Franklin D.Roosevelt (1882-1945) also known as FDR, was the 32 nd president of the United States, serving from 1933 until his death in 1945. He is the longest serving U.S president, and the only one to have served more than two terms.

This book was made available for digitization by Dominic Nedumparambil.

Metadata and link to the digitized document

Metadata and link to the digitized document are provided below. A facility to read the document online is provided in the item page. Click on the first image that you  see on the item page to download the document.

  • Name:  Five Portraits of Power
  • Author :S.E. Ayling
  • Published Year: 1962
  • Number of pages: 154
  • Printer: Inland Printers, Mumbai
  • Scan link: Link








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