Through this post we are releasing the scan of The Bible Today – Hostorical, Social and literary aspects of the old and new testaments described by Christian Scholars published in the year 1955.
This book offer a modest introduction to Bible put into the language of the twentieth century will not fail to show its relevance to the twentieth century life. The book may be interesting and useful not only to keen Church members and to scholarly and cultivated humanists, but also to a great many others who would not call themselves either churchmen or humanists.
This document is digitized as part of Mount Carmel college Digitization Project. This is the first document from this project.

Metadata and link to the digitized document
Metadata and link to the digitized document are provided below. A facility to read the document online is provided in the item page. Click on the first image that you see on the item page to download the document.
- Name: The Bible Today
- Author : Christian Scholars
- Published Year: 1955
- Number of pages: 260
- Printer: Billing and Sons Ltd, London
- Scan link: Link